CIS: Al Unser

Centennial Interview Series, Interviews, Podcasts — By on May 24, 2011 4:19 pm

Our Centennial Interview Series reaches four-time winners with this feature of Al Unser. Big Al started by remembering his rookie year in 1965, then discussed highlights from each of his wins in 1970, 1971, 1978, and 1987. He shared what it was like to work with Roger Penske at the Brickyard and gave his thoughts on how the Speedway has evolved since his early career. He also offered his opinion on whether it’s wrong to run races that don’t involve INDYCARs at IMS. He discussed some of his greatest competitors and those whose greatness is forgotten by history. He talked about the meaning of carrying the Unser name at the Indianapolis 500 and about how it felt for him to watch his son compete. He also addressed how he overcame fear to climb into his race car time and again. Finally, Al told us what being a champion of the Indianapolis 500 means to him — just before issuing an open invitation for fans to visit the Unser Racing Museum in Albuquerque, New Mexico to experience some of these memories first-hand.

To listen, use the player below or search for More Front Wing on iTunes.

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