Chicagoland: Preview

IndyCar commentary — By on August 26, 2010 7:30 pm

Mere hours after introducing you to More Front Wing for the first time, we’re getting started with a bang by bringing you extensive on-the-ground coverage of this weekend’s events at Chicagoland Speedway.

Paul and I will both be in attendance for this one.  This is Paul’s home track, so he’ll get started bright and early tomorrow morning, but I don’t arrive until Saturday.

As for the reporting:  we’ll each bring you review posts for the days that we’re there.  That part of our coverage from Planet-IRL won’t change.

However, what will change is that our coverage on Twitter will be centralized at our new account, @MoreFrontWing.  When it’s just Paul on Friday, there won’t be any special notation on the tweets.  But when we’re both there on Saturday, we’ll use “-P” and “-S” to let you know who’s writing what.  (Highly original — we know.  We thought of it all by ourselves!)  Anyway, be sure to follow us at our new home on Twitter to receive all the latest news at the track as soon as we do.

As always, if you have any questions or comments for us on our coverage, feel free to contact us through Twitter, the Contact form here, or at

We’ll be in touch from the track!