Posts Tagged ‘Hard Luck Lloyd’
Hard Luck Lloyd tells the story of Lloyd Ruby’s life and career like never before

MFW Co-editors Paul Dalbey and Steph Wallcraft review Hard Luck Lloyd: The Complete Story of Slow-Talking, Fast-Driving Texan Lloyd Ruby by John Lingle.
Excerpt from Hard Luck Lloyd: The one that got away

This third and final excerpt from Hard Luck Lloyd discusses the 1969 Indianapolis 500, one of Lloyd Ruby’s closest calls with the Borg-Warner Trophy that instead became one of the most infamous DNFs in the history of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
Excerpt from “Hard Luck Lloyd”: I blew a wheel

More Front Wing continues its series of excerpts from “Hard Luck Lloyd.” In this second excerpt, titled ‘I blew a wheel,’ we get an inside look at the 1967 Indianapolis 500 and the slow-talking Texan’s response to his team’s tire woes.
Excerpt from “Hard Luck Lloyd”: Don’t mess with Lloyd

In the coming weeks we will be running excerpts from “Hard Luck Lloyd” to help generate interest for the release of this new book authored by MFW contributor John Lingle. This first excerpt tells the story of how Lloyd learned to fight for himself in the rough and tumble world of midget racing.
Announcing the release of Hard Luck Lloyd

Hard Luck Lloyd, a biography of USAC legend Lloyd Ruby written by MFW columnist John Lingle, is now available for purchase from Racemaker Press and will ship in time for Christmas.