We want to connect with you!

IndyCar, IndyCar commentary — By on September 25, 2013 1:47 pm

Here at More Front Wing, we love being a part of this amazing IndyCar community of ours. We’ve recently expanded our social media presence to ensure we can connect with as many of IndyCar’s awesome fans as we can in the ways that work best for you.

Please take a look over the list below and make sure we’re reaching you through the channels you use most frequently.

Twitter is still our primary stalwart and is the place to be for all of the up-to-the-minute IZOD IndyCar Series and Mazda Road to Indy headlines. When we have something new to share with you on MoreFrontWing.com, Twitter is where you’ll learn about it first.

On Facebook, we find that we get involved in great discussions with people as passionate about the sport of IndyCar racing as we are. If you enjoy our content there, please like and share it to help us bring more fans together!

We’ve also recently joined Google+ to help us reach IndyCar fans who use it as their preferred social media tool. We’re pretty new to this one, so if you have any suggestions for how we could make better use of the platform, don’t hesitate to let us know.

For those who prefer to keep their social media strictly professional, we have a company page on LinkedIn as well where you can find all of our latest headlines without stepping outside your professional network.

And just today, we created an account on Instagram where we’re going to bring you photos not only from trackside but also from our archives to give you a daily dose of the wonderful sights of IndyCar racing.

Lastly, don’t forget that we still have active RSS feeds for those who still use feed readers, and we also love seeing movement on the Friends of More Front Wing ticker on the bottom of the right column on every page of our site. If you have an IndyCar website that’s not featured on our ticker and you’d like it to be, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

We sincerely hope you’ll use as many of these methods as possible to stay in touch with us and share in the great sport of IndyCar racing. If you have a method of staying connected online that’s not on this list, or if you want to drop us a line for any other reason, we can always be reached at feedback@morefrontwing.com.